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Oxford says goodbye to Early Years

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Rivers, Heather
Publication Date: 
22 Nov 2011



County council announced Monday it will no longer deliver Oxford's Ontario Early Years program as of March 31, 2012.

Paul Beaton, manager of social services and housing, said, since 2003, the program was supposed to have been 100% funded by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services.

However, over the past eight years, there have been no increases to the program's funding while there have been substantial increases in salary and operating expenses.

"It's been a static envelope since 2003," Beaton said. "Our operating expenses exceed the 100% funding formula."

Beaton said county council supported a staff recommendation to cut the program if there wasn't sufficient funding.

The cost to unroll the program in 2012 was projected to be $897,229 while funding for the project through the ministry was only $768,124.

"When revenue doesn't match expenses, the only other place to get it is through the levy," he said. "In the past, it has gone beyond the 100% funding formula. It should 100% funded but it's not."

The move means four employees, three full-time and one part-time, have received layoff notices.

However, the county's decision doesn't mean the program will end.

"The Ministry of Children and Youth Services will consider options for the continued delivery of the program," Beaton said. "They could seek out another partner to continue the program."

Dawn Levine, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, said the province is actively seeking a new provider for the program.

-reprinted from the Sentinel-Review
