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Increasing Canada's productivity through early childhood development

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Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Publication Date: 
4 Oct 2009


On Sunday, October 4, 2009, the Burnaby Board of Trade's policy resolution on a universal early childhood development program was accepted by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) at their 80th Annual General Meeting.

The topic of the advocacy initiative was a federally-led early childhood development program as it is a financially justified and prudent investment in Canada's productivity. This program promises a very high long-term return on investment that will benefit Canada's global economic standing.

The resolution states that the federal government, in cooperation with the provinces, territories and other stakeholders should fund and assist in the development of a provincially delivered early childhood development program to improve the long-term productivity of Canada through a better educated, more highly skilled workforce, resulting in superior economic performance.

The resolution is now part of the CCC's policy platform, where it will be advocated to the Federal Government for three years as part of their on-going lobbying effort.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce (CCC) is the primary and vital connection between business and the federal government. It continually demonstrates impact on public policy and decision-making to the benefit of businesses, communities and families across Canada. The CCC is a network of over 300 chambers of commerce and boards of trade, representing 175,000 businesses of all sizes in all sectors of the economy and in all regions.

