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Employer models in Canada's early childhood education and care sector

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Supporting Employers in Canada's ECEC Sector Project
Costigliola, Bozica
Publication Date: 
1 Nov 2008

Excerpts from the report:

This document was produced as part of the Supporting Employers in Early Childhood Education and Care Project.

Employer Models in Canada's ECEC Sector was developed to complement the overall project research findings and bring different governance models to life in a series of descriptive articles. Directors, executive directors, and owner-operators from across the country contributed their knowledge and experience by participating in extensive interviews throughout spring and summer 2008.The result is a series of 14 articles that explore a variety of different programs and models, while sharing innovative practices and key challenges from the employer perspective. The environment in which ECEC employers work varies widely across the country. As a result, these articles reflect just some of the many diverse setting and contexts in which ECEC employers work.
