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Keep better track of child care funds [CA]

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Letter to the Editor re: Decent child care vital to the province
McCuaig, Kerry
Publication Date: 
17 Jun 2007

See text below.


Thank you for your series and editorial highlighting the appalling child care crisis in Ontario. Your editorial may have left the impression that the province has finally bowed to pressure and has begun filling in for federal cuts. In fact, all the recent child-care announcements - the $75 million in the Ontario budget and the $97 million announced last week - are still federal dollars. Ontario hasn't increased its own contribution to child care since 1992.

Keeping track of the money is a nightmare. As part of its agreements with Ottawa, Ontario agreed to provide annual public reports on what it is doing with federal funds for young children. It is three years behind.

Almost $1 billion comes to Ontario every year for services for young children but both Queen's Park and Ottawa would be hard-pressed to say where the money is going. In such a poorly funded field there is no room for missing funds.

Kerry McCuaig, Ottawa

- reprinted from the Toronto Star
