children playing

Making space: Award winning designs for young children

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Children in Scotland and Architecture + Design Scotland
Book / booklet
Publication Date: 
1 Jan 2007

This book is available to order from Children in Scotland. It is available to borrow from CRRU, as part of our print collection. See links below to ordering information and an online photo gallery of designs submitted for the award.


This book showcases the winners of Children in Scotland's international award for architecture and design for young children, as well as exploring the main themes of the international Making Space conference, held in Edinburgh in December 2005.

When architects, planners, educators, psychologists, brain scientists and children are brought together to consider the design and use of space, the results are worth recording. 'Making Space: award winning designs for children' is such a record. It celebrates the ideas and designs that came out of an international award and conference on architecture and design for young children, as well as a video conversation and art competition for the children themselves.
