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Public health interim guidance for Yukon daycares and day homes: Enhanced measures during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Public Health
government document
Publication Date: 
14 May 2020


UPDATED: MAY 14, 2020

This guidance document is informed by the Yukon public health reopening plan and is also in keeping with “Six steps to staying safe: COVID-19” and the latest information on the website as of May 14 2020.

Interim Guidance for Yukon Daycares and Day Homes outlines methods to maintain a safe and healthy environment for children and staff and to minimize the risk of COVID-19 in Yukon. It identifies key infection prevention and control practices to implement in child care settings and actions to take if a child or staff member develops symptoms of COVID-19 (as defined on

This guidance is based on the latest scientific and infection control evidence and the current state of the epidemic in Yukon. It will be updated as new evidence arises and/or the Yukon epidemiology significantly changes.

Based on the current epidemiology of COVID-19 in Canada and in Yukon, and current evidence that children are at a lower risk of developing COVID-19, child care can safely remain open, and provide safe and healthy childcare while maintaining safe workplaces. Child care services should adapt to support public health and infection prevention and control measures, including regular and thorough hand washing, personal practices, frequent cleaning and disinfection, safe spacing through physical distancing and reduced physical and, as described in this guidance. Child care services are also encouraged to implement routine daily screening for all staff and children, as well as to enhance existing policies so that children or staff who have respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, diarrhea) to remain at home.

See Appendix A of this document for Frequently Asked Questions about child care settings.