

Mothering, care practices and the global autism “crisis”: New stories from interpretive disability studies

North House, Munk School of Global Affairs
1 Devonshire Place
Event date: 
29 Jan 2014 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Speaker: Patty Douglas, Lupina Fellow in Comparative Program on Health and Society PhD candidate - Department of Humanities, Social Science & Social Justice Education University of Toronto

Description: Drawing on interpretive sociology and feminist post-structuralism, this talk utilizes a disability studies approach to re-examine the meaning and significance of care practices within today's ever-expanding global autism "crisis". I first offer a brief critical analysis of popular accounts of autism and care. This serves to reveal the dominant meaning of autism as an undesirable biomedical difference that poses a rising threat to the happiness, health and economic well-being of individuals, families, communities, and indeed, the world. Despite researchers' historic shift away from psychoanalytic and towards genetic or environmental understandings of autism, mothers' care practices remain implicated as a central cause of and cure for the rising global threat of autism. It is the governance of mothers' care practices that is often the focus. Indeed, most research on autism has operated from a biomedical framework concerned with mothers' care practices, autism's causes and prevention as well as capacity building within developing countries. Very little has been written about what it means to live a good and just life together with autistic persons. However, following disability studies, autism is not merely a problem to solved or an illness to be cured, but something capable of enriching life together, thus having pedagogical value. I share preliminary findings from two focus groups with Toronto autism mothers who tell stories that point to this pedagogical possibility of new understandings of autism and care practices where autistic life is not only a problem to be prevented, normalized or cured. Mothers' narratives suggest an alternative paradigm in which autism is but one of the many possibilities of a richly diverse landscape of embodiment and sociality that opens up multiple ways of being together outside of the sway of the autonomous individual and biomedical paradigms. New stories told from this interpretive disability studies approach challenge prevailing paradigms and can potentially shift media representations, enhance care practices and shape new research directions in autism.

Contact name: 
Deborah Huntley - CPHS
Contact email: 

Best Start Resource Centre Conference

Event date: 
26 Feb 2014 - 8:45am to 28 Feb 2014 - 2:30pm


The Best Start Resource Centre Conference is an annual event for service providers working on preconception health, prenatal health, and early child development to meet, share, reflect, network and be inspired!

The annual conference attracts over 300 participants each year. In addition to offering excellent peer sharing opportunities, the conference allows service providers and policy makers to increase their knowledge and learn innovative strategies and programs relevant to their work.

The annual conference will focus on strategies and solutions - from policy to practice. More specifically, the conference will showcase examples of the best and promising practice across Ontario and across multiple settings related to family, maternal, newborn and child health.

You will find sessions relevant to your work and areas of interest. You will acquire the latest information, learn innovative strategies and programs and meet new colleagues.

Who Should Attend

Service providers, policy makers and researchers who work to promote the health of expectant and new parents, newborns, young children, women and families: Public Health Nurses, Midwives, Doulas, Staff from Ontario Early Year's Centres, Breastfeeding Supporters, Ontario Healthy Babies Healthy Children Staff, Administrators/Managers, Community Health Workers, Counsellors, Early Childhood Educators, Family Development Workers, Family Resource Program Staff, Primary Care Professionals, Health Promoters, Nutritionists, Researchers, Social Workers and Social Service Workers.

