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Selected submissions to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance pre-budget consultations 2014

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Publication Date: 
15 Oct 2014

Selected submissions about ECEC and related issues:

Excerpts from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance press release:

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance now has available, on its website, the pre-budget submissions from 421 Canadian groups and individuals who provided their input this summer. These submissions can be viewed at: Pre-Budget Consultations Briefs 2014. As noted in June, this input was requested as part of the Committee's annual pre-budget consultation process....

The Committee has agreed that the next phase of that process will involve hearings in the fall on the following topics:

  • Balancing the federal budget to ensure fiscal sustainability and economic growth.
  • Supporting families and helping vulnerable Canadians by focusing on health, education and training.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of Canadian businesses through research, development, innovation and commercialization.
  • Ensuring prosperous and secure communities, including through support for infrastructure.
  • Improving Canada's taxation and regulatory regimes.
  • Maximizing the number and types of jobs for Canadians.

The Committee is expected to table its report on these pre-budget consultations in the House of Commons in December 2014.
