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Linking licensing to quality in child care

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ConnectioNS Vol. 10.2
Ferguson, Elaine E.
Publication Date: 
1 Oct 2006

Excerpts from the article:

This article contains excerpts from the publication, Linking Licensing to Quality Child Care, (2006) by Ferguson, Flanagan Rochon, Jerchel and Lutes, CCCNS: Halifax, NS, the last publication of the Best Practices in Licensing Child Care in Canada Project (1998-2006).

The Best Practices in Licensing Project of Child Care Connection Nova Scotia and the Provincial/Territorial Directors of Early Childhood Education and Care examined the licensing process itself and, through extensive consultation and review of current research, considered how that process could be improved. Specifically, the project examined the roles of both licensers and licensees, and studied how these roles could be supported to make the licensing process more efficient and effective. Evolving policy contexts related to young children and intergovernmental initiatives related to early learning and child care influenced those involved in the project. Increasingly, the framework was broadened to consider the federal, provincial and territorial governments' stated goal of increasing good outcomes for children.