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Good childcare out of reach &em; survey [AU]

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The Australian
Publication Date: 
31 Oct 2006

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Affordable high-quality childcare is still out of reach for many families, a survey by consumer watchdog Choice has found.

More than 1200 parents across the nation were surveyed, raising a number of questions about the standard of childcare in Australia.

"Many said looking for childcare was a nightmare of long waiting lists and juggling schedules to find a place," the survey report said.

"Disturbingly, some parents said they'd felt compelled to take whatever they could get and some said the cost of childcare cancelled out the economic value of returning to work altogether."

The most common areas of concern were long waiting lists, a lack of choice over which days childcare was available, high costs, staffing issues and the quality of care.

Labor's childcare spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek welcomed the report, saying it clearly contradicted the Government's claim there was no childcare shortage in Australia.

"There is overwhelming evidence that there's not enough childcare in some areas of Australia, and that parents are waiting too long," Ms Plibersek said.

"The Government's 'hands off' approach has led to high costs and shortages."

- reprinted from The Australian